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Gros Ventre River Turnout and Road – Look For These 3 Things

The Gros Ventre (pronounced “Grow Vaunt”) River Road & Turnout is not on the 42-Mile Drive, but it is an alternate route to the Moulton Barns on Mormon Row. It’s a detour worth taking for three reasons: the possibility of seeing wildlife, viewing Sleeping Indian, and stopping for coffee at a cafe (not to mention the dramatic scenery).

Grand Teton Gros Ventre River Turnout & Road

Getting to the Gros Ventre Turnout

First, let’s make sure you get to the right spot.

From HWY 191/89/26, at the Gros Ventre Junction turn east (away from the Tetons) on to Gros Ventre Road.

The turnout is 2.3 miles from where you turned on the road.

Grand Teton Gros Ventre River Road and Turnout

Map of the Gros Ventre River Road and Turnout

This is important to know because there is a “pull-through” at 2.0 miles after turning on the road.

You don’t want the pull-through.

It is very rough and rocky and can be hard on cars. I believe this is where people park their cars to fish on the river.

So, set your odometer and turn into the turnout at 2.3 miles, there is a “Speed Limit 45” sign there to help you spot it.

1. Look for Moose at the Gros Ventre Turnout

Ok! Now that you are here at the right place, with the bottom of your car intact, look for moose. This is a good place to try and see moose.

Note: it’s a good place, but it isn’t guaranteed.

This is a known popular spot for them. The proof? Many of the guided tours bring their customers here in hopes to see a moose.

To increase your chances of seeing one, come here early in the morning or in the evening (think around sunrise and sunset). These are times the moose (and most animals) are active.

Gros Ventre River Turnout

View of Gros Ventre River from Turnout

2. Take a Picture of Sleeping Indian

Two birds, one stone – as you are at the overlook keeping your eye peeled for a moose, look across the river to the east to the mountains and see “Sleeping Indian”. Look along the top of the mountain ridge until you see an outline of what looks like an Indian sleeping on his back wearing a full headdress, with his arms folded across his chest.

Grand Teton - Sleeping Indian view from Gros Ventre Road Pullout

View of Sleeping Indian from Gros Ventre River Pullout

3. Stop at Kelly on the Gros Ventre Cafe

After stopping at the turnout, continue east on Gros Ventre Road to Kelly on the Gros Ventre Cafe. Depending on what time of day you are here, you can stop here and get coffee, sandwiches and/or beer. Sit outside at the coffee bar or on the deck and enjoy the view.

Grand Teton Kelly on the Gros Ventre Cafe Mandy Lea Photo

View from Kelly on the Gros Ventre Cafe – Photo courtesy of Mandy Lea @

Pro Tip: Be sure to get a picture of the sign warning you to stay inside if bison are in the parking lot. (It’s a funny sign, but it is serious in it’s message – bison often come through here, don’t go outside if they are near by.)

Bonus Tip: The View and Bison on the Way to Moulton Barns

Whether you have stopped at Kelly on the Gros Ventre Cafe or not, keep following Gros Ventre Road around and turn left on Antelope Flats Road to head to the Moulton Barns on Mormon Row. While in route, make sure to keep an eye out for Bison as they frequent this area. Also, take in the view of the vast plains with the Tetons jutting up out of nowhere. Stop and take pictures if the scene strikes you.

Grand Teton Gros Ventre River Turnout and Road

Bison grazing on the plain near the Moulton Barns on Mormon Row

I hope you take this scenic route and get to see wildlife, specifically bison and moose; get to enjoy the views of the river, Sleeping Indian and the Tetons and maybe even get some coffee.

But most of all, I hope you see a moose! Good luck!!

If you have any questions or comments concerning the Gros Ventre turnout and/or road, let us know in the comments section. We’d love to hear from you!!

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Keep Your Eye Peeled for a Moose!

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Jenn Cunningham
Founder, exploreGTNP

Grand Teton National Park - Jenn on Jackson Lake in Canoe with Mt Moran in the background

Hi, I'm Jenn, pictured here on Jackson Lake in Grand Teton National Park. I am a Wyoming native and have vacationed every year of my 40+ years in Grand Teton National Park. I know this park inside and out, so use my years of experience and knowledge to plan, go, and do your perfect Grand Teton National Park vacation!

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